Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Mind Speaks . . . Living From The Heart.

Thinking With Your Heart.

Your heart is the core of who you are. Your mind is the instrument of your heart. Emotion is behind thinking. And your " unsettled " emotions are buried very deep within your heart which feeds every cells of your body.

Living from the heart is all about placing your consciousness in your heart and practicing it daily. It is about placing your intention, and focus on the center point of your very existence-your heart.

Instead of being emotionally reactive you need to learn to be emotionally responsive. The first step in this process is halting. Back away from escalating conflict. Hold your tongue when you're about to lash out. Don't answer an emotionally loaded question on the spot. Wait to make an important decision. Don't say or do anything until you take time to process your feelings.

Being responsive rather than reactive will help you make better decisions and get along better with others. And it'll help you stay calm and confident when dealing with other people who overreact.

Be patient with yourself and give things time to work out. Don't be too hard on yourself.Take care of yourself . . . we each have the power to live from the heart and create happy and balanced lives.
Think with your heart and feel with your head.

" Happiness is when your mind is thinking through your heart "


Credits : ; Felicia Harlow,, images :

Monday, August 6, 2012

Think big . . . . . .

" Your Dimension Of Greatness "

No one can know the potential
of life that is committed to win ;
With courage - the challenge it faces
to achieve great success in the end!

So, explore the dimension of greatness,
and believe that the world can be won ;
By a mind that is fully committed,
knowing the task can be done!

Your world has no place for skeptic,
no room for the doubter to stand ;
To weaken your firm resolution,
that you can excel in this land!

We must have vision to see our potential,
and faith to believe that we can ;
Then courage to act with conviction,
to become what god meant us to be!

So, possess the strength and the courage,
to conquer whatever you choose ;
It's the person who never gets started,
that is destined forever to lose!
~ unknown ~


Anything that may be possible ; a possibility ; potentially.
Existing in possibility, not in actuality.

How to reach your potential?

Reflect on your life
Become an optimist
Set a goal
Define who your role models are
Be grateful
Become a life long learner
Embrace change.

" An important guideline for effective individual growth is open-mindedness. A willingness and eagerness to consider new information, new viewpoints, new ideas, and new possibilities is essential "
~ F. David ~

" Every one has inside himself a piece of good news! the good news is that you really don't know how great you can be, how much you can love, what you can accomplish, and what your potential is! "
~ Anne Frank ~

" Rough diamonds may sometimes be mistaken for worthless pebbles "
~ Sir Thomas Browne ~


credits : wikipedia,,, image :

Teks Juru Acara Majlis Graduasi SPM 2022

  "Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations" SMK(P) RAJA ZARINA TEKS PENGACARA MAJLIS GRADUASI 2022 Tarikh            : ...